Appointment Referrals and Insurance Coverage
Physician Referral
Your insurance may require you to be referred to us by your family physician or other attending physician. Our staff will help you determine if this is the case for you. Please call our office, or request that your physician call us directly to make the referral. After we receive your care information from your physician, we will call to schedule your appointment. Appointments are generally scheduled two to three weeks in advance.
Lancaster Office: By Appointment Only Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 740-689-9500 Fax:740-689-9555
Medication Management
Precision Pain Care is not a pharmacy and we do not accept patients solely to write prescriptions. We seek to find the underlying cause of pain and then treat it at the source. Read more about our approach to Medication Management.
Participating Insurance Plans
We participate in most major insurance plans. If your plan is not on the list, this does not mean you cannot come to us for treatment - we may have recently added your plan or you may be able to come to us outside your plan’s network. Our staff will help you determine if this is the case for you.
- Aetna Medicare Plan (HMO) (H0628)
- Aetna Medicare Plan (PPO) with Extended Service Area (ESA)
- Aetna Medicare Plan (PPO) with Extended Service Area (ESA) (H5521)
- Aetna Select
- Aetna Select (Open Access)
- Choice POS II
- Elect Choice EPO (Open Access)
- Managed Choice POS
- Managed Choice POS (Open Access)
- Managed Choice POS (Si)
- OH DSNP Medicare HMO
- Ohio Medicare HMO
- Open Choice PPO
- Open Choice PPO (Si)
- Signature Administrators
- Trinity
- Aetna Medicare
- Aetna Medicare Plan (HMO) (H3931)
- Coventry Aetna Medicare Plan (PPO) (H5521)
- Kentucky/Ohio Medicare PPO
- Ohio Medicare PPO
- Allstate Benefits
- Secure Choice (Broad)
- Anthem
- Blue Medicare Advantage (PPO)
- MediBlue Access (PPO)
- MediBlue Access Basic (Regional PPO)
- MediBlue Access Core (Regional PPO)
- MediBlue Access Plus (PPO)
- MediBlue Dual Advantage (HMO SNP)
- MediBlue Essential (HMO)
- MediBlue Extra (HMO)
- MediBlue Plus (HMO)
- MediBlue Preferred (HMO)
- MediBlue Preferred Plus (HMO)
- edicare Preferred (PPO)
- Senior Advantage HMO
- Blue Cross BlueShield National
- BlueCard PPO Basic
- BlueCard PPO/EPO
- BlueCard Traditional
- CareSource
- OH Marketplace
- OH Medicaid
- OH MyCare
- Cigna
- Coventry
- Aetna Medicare Plan (PPO) (H5521)
- HealthLink
- Highmark
- Humana
- ChoicePOS
- Employer HMO
- Employer HMO - H0028
- Employer HMO - H1951
- Employer HMO - H5619
- Employer HMO - H6622
- Employer HMO- H1036
- Employer HMO/Employer HMO-H1036
- Employer HMO/Employer HMO-H1951
- Gold Plus HMO OH/NKY
- Humana Medicare HMO
- Humana Medicare HMO - H0028
- Humana/ChoiceCare MD/ANC
- Humana/ChoiceCare PPO
- Humana/ChoiceCare+ PPO
- Humana Gold Choice Ntwk PFFS
- Medicare PPO
- Medicare PPO/Employer PPO Plus
- National POS OpenAccess
- National POS OpenAccess Plus
- OH Medicaid
- Medical Mutual of Ohio
- Medigold
- Network Health
- Traditional Medicare
- Ohio BWC (Bureau of Workers Compensation)
- Ohio Health PPO
- Oscar
- United Medical Resources
